Why is it hard to talk about the “s” word?

Saying you want more of something, but not be willing to talk about what “it” is, seems completely counter-intuitive. But time and again, that’s the case with sex. Why is talking about sex so hard?

It’s time to turn yourself upside down

Boy, does this come at exactly the right time. As my last post of the year, it’s apropos that turning yourself upside down is about gaining the perspective you need to see things in a necessary and different way. I recently got a strong dose of this while visiting our dear friend Hendre Coetzee (pronounced... Continue Reading →

Creativity: It’s harder than it looks

Create. Creating. Creativity. What does it all mean, and why do we do it? In the first chapter of my book “Be Your Creative Sexy Self”., I theorized that because we are taught from the earliest of ages that “creating” something was nothing short of a sacred act, we spend our lives in eternal pursuit... Continue Reading →

If you have a pulse, you certainly can.

I’ve been asked a lot since I launched my book, “What made you write a book about creativity?” Well, the answer is, because not everyone believes they are creative. They think it’s something only “special” people have. But, like being sexy, everyone can do it. Some are better at it. And when it’s done well,... Continue Reading →

Elvis, the book has left the building

The launch of the long-awaited (for me, anyway) “Be Your Creative Sexy Self”. book has happened, and I couldn’t be more excited. For anyone out there wondering what self-publishing a book looks like, let me paint a picture: You spend a few hundred hours researching, interviewing people, outlining, drafting, writing, rewriting, rewriting, rewriting, rewriting, editing,... Continue Reading →

Seeing the high layer: When do you know you’re doing enough?

As I'm sitting here on holiday on my pool chair on vacation, I find my mind wandering farther away from the everyday list-making and box-ticking and closer to imagining, daydreaming and quietness. It's a rare occassion, me taking a vacation that's not work-related, so this doesn't happen very often. My mind is "always on", so this... Continue Reading →

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