How language trends are reflecting societal changes

This is part 1 of a 3-part interview series with Liz McMillan, CEO of We sat down together at the Collision Conference in New Orleans to discuss the importance of language, meaning, and truth that words give to our human culture. Are people still as curious about meaning and language, even against a backdrop of ‘fake news’... Continue Reading →

Language, culture, AI, and how Millennials are changing the rules

This is part 2 of a 3-part interview series with Liz McMillan, CEO of We sat down together at the Collision Conference in New Orleans to discuss the importance of language, meaning, and truth that words give to our human culture.

Language, words, and truth: What does it all mean?

This is part 3 of a 3-part interview series with Liz McMillan, CEO of We sat down together at the Collision Conference in New Orleans to discuss the importance of language, meaning, and truth that words give to our human culture. We’re living in strange times. Social media has given society new mediums in... Continue Reading →

That time you discovered that you rank #1 on Google for something you really care about but weren’t trying to

#Longesttitleever. It’s St. Patrick’s Day today, so celebration and conversations about luck are in the air. But it’s rainy here, and unseasonably cold in Northern California, so my Saturday started with sleeping in and staying under the covers doing the ultimate time suck – scrolling social media. As I spent the hours on Twitter (growing... Continue Reading →

I got to be an Entrepreneur on Fire 🔥🔥🔥: Podcast replay

Listen in on my and host John Lee Dumas’ (JLD to most) “Entrepreneurs on Fire” podcast as we chat about my favorite subject, why creativity is like sex.

Sexist sells? Not anymore.

Advertising is the hardest form of storytelling. For television, in just 30 seconds, there needs to be a beginning, middle and end, all while making the brand the hero of the story. This is why advertising creatives have a long history of taking the easy way out, by relying on gender bias and sex to... Continue Reading →

SXSW: Where serendipity leads to #H2H awesomeness

I have now (mostly) recovered from SXSW and am having so much fun rehashing (rehashtagging?) all the fun that went down in Austin. For us, it’s a chance to be in proximity with the top brands and thinkers, as you literally don’t know who you could be having a conversation with or who you might... Continue Reading →

Generations X, Y and Boomers: There is Everything BUT a Gap

Today, you can’t swing a dead cat without hearing something about “Millennials.” Also known as Generation Y (born in the early 1980s), this has been a Generation largely heralded as being so different than Gen Xers (my generation) or Baby Boomers. But are they? I wonder if it’s the environment that’s changed so drastically, and... Continue Reading →

Is discomfort the new way forward?

Isn't our expectation of companies today to predict the future? To invent what we don’t know we need, to know what we're thinking before we think it, to give us what we desire before we even want? When they do, we line up to buy. PureMatter (the company Bryan Kramer and I co-founded) and IBM partnered together... Continue Reading →

If a Social Media stunt was alone in a forest, would anyone hear it?

Remember the early days of social media? When done well, it can deepen existing relationships, forge new ones, and entertain and delight. But it has definitely turned on itself. A fun story from the past, when social media could still be fun instead of the toxic burn pit it is now. In 2013, Mashable reported... Continue Reading →

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